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Raw Manure Treatment

For Dairy Farm

Client Overview

  • Industry: Dairy Farm
  • Year: 2019
  • Daily Manure Production: ~100,000 GPD



High volume of liquid manure requiring extensive storage in lagoons


Costly and inefficient land application process


Complex logistics for storage and hauling


Nutrient-poor runoff leading to inefficient use of resources

Solution: Ultrafiltration (UF) System

We implemented an advanced Ultrafiltration (UF) system to address these challenges:

  • Technology: Tubular membrane with 0.02 μm average pore size
  • Processing Capacity: 100,000 GPD of liquid manure
  • Output:
    • 15,000 GPD of phosphorus-rich concentrated slurry (UF Concentrate)
    • 85,000 GPD of transparent liquid (UF Permeate)



Efficiency: Recovered ~75% of lagoon effluent as UF permeate


Performance: Achieved an average flux rate of ~18 GFD


Water Reclamation: Produced clean water suitable for on-farm use or discharge

Analysis of Ultrafiltration Process Streams

PARAMETER Unit UF Feed UF Permeate UF Concentrate Percent Removed by UF
Total solids mg/L 26,362 8,400 76,929 68%
Total volatile solids (TVS) mg/L 17,425 3,800 53,696 78%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen mg/L 910 821 1,414 10%
Organic nitrogen mg/L 3,043 87 5,871 97%
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 3,954 908 7,285 77%
Phosphorus (total) mg/L 500 24 1,400 95%
Potassium (total) mg/L 1,500 1,410 1,500 6%
Sulfur (total) mg/L 203 34 611 83%
Calcium (total) mg/L 1,114 306 2,840 73%
Magnesium (total) mg/L 611 278 1,318 55%
Sodium (total) mg/L 611 574 611 6%
Iron (total) mg/L 107 0.14 336 100%
Manganese (total) mg/L 11 0.659 35 94%
Zinc (total) mg/L 8 0.01 26 100%
Copper (total) mg/L 30 n.d. 97 >99%
pH S.U. 8.4 7.69 8.3 N/A

Mass Balance Estimate for 100,000 gal UF Feed; 73,000 gal UF permeate; 27,000 gal UF concentrate

PARAMETER Unit UF Feed UF Permeate UF Concentrate Percent Removed by UF
Dry Matter lbs/1000 gal 220 70.1 642
TVS lbs/1000 gal 145.4 31.7 448
Dry Matter lbs/day 22,000 5,117 17,334 79%
TVS lbs/day 14,540 2,314 12,096 83%

Key Benefits

  1. Reduced Storage Requirements: Significant reduction in lagoon storage needs
  2. Cost Efficiency: Lower expenses for land application and transportation
  3. Nutrient Concentration: More efficient use of nutrients in concentrated form
  4. Environmental Impact: Reduced risk of nutrient runoff
  5. Operational Simplicity: Streamlined manure management process

Liquid Pictures

Scroll the gallery to see pictures of the materials from our filtration equipment.

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