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Raw Manure Treatment

For Dairy Farm

Dairy Farm


We recovered about 75% of the lagoon effluent as UF permeate at an average flux rate of ~18 GFD.

Case Study: Ultrafiltration, Dairy, Raw Manure

A large dairy operation that produces approximately 100,000 GPD of liquid manure is currently stored in lagoons and then hauled and spread onto fields. The farm approached us to provide a sustainable solution to reclaim clean water for on-farm use or discharge. DO would process the liquid manure using ultrafiltration, producing about 15,000 GPD of concentrated slurry rich in phosphorus (the “UF Concentrate”) and 85,000 GPD of transparent liquid (the “UF permeate”).

Company Issue / Challenge

Current volume of manure require a large storage pit. Managing the storage and hauling of manure is a constant challenge and requires coordination of various trucks throughout the year.

The cost for land application is high and runoff has few nutrients, so paying to truck this material to farm fields is not efficient.

Managing the storage and hauling of leachate is a constant challenge and requires coordination of various trucks throughout the year.

Concentrating the nutrients in the leachate for storage and later land application with manure would be most efficient.

What We Delivered


System Update

For this project, we used a tubular membrane with an average pore size of 0.02 μm We recovered about 75% of the lagoon effluent as UF permeate at an average flux rate of ~18 GFD.

Impact & Benefits

Our leachate filtration system is designed to recover more than 90% of the liquid as clean water for direct discharge.


Lagoon Effluent Recovery

We recovered about 75% of the lagoon effluent as UF permeate at an average flux rate of ~18 GFD.

Analysis of Ultrafiltration Process Streams

PARAMETER Unit UF Feed UF Permeate UF Concentrate Percent Removed by UF
Total solids mg/L 26,362 8,400 76,929 68%
Total volatile solids (TVS) mg/L 17,425 3,800 53,696 78%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen mg/L 910 821 1,414 10%
Organic nitrogen mg/L 3,043 87 5,871 97%
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 3,954 908 7,285 77%
Phosphorus (total) mg/L 500 24 1,400 95%
Potassium (total) mg/L 1,500 1,410 1,500 6%
Sulfur (total) mg/L 203 34 611 83%
Calcium (total) mg/L 1,114 306 2,840 73%
Magnesium (total) mg/L 611 278 1,318 55%
Sodium (total) mg/L 611 574 611 6%
Iron (total) mg/L 107 0.14 336 100%
Manganese (total) mg/L 11 0.659 35 94%
Zinc (total) mg/L 8 0.01 26 100%
Copper (total) mg/L 30 n.d. 97 >99%
pH S.U. 8.4 7.69 8.3 N/A

Mass Balance Estimate for 100,000 gal UF Feed; 73,000 gal UF permeate; 27,000 gal UF concentrate

PARAMETER Unit UF Feed UF Permeate UF Concentrate Percent Removed by UF
Dry Matter lbs/1000 gal 220 70.1 642
TVS lbs/1000 gal 145.4 31.7 448
Dry Matter lbs/day 22,000 5,117 17,334 79%
TVS lbs/day 14,540 2,314 12,096 83%

Liquid Pictures

Scroll the gallery to see pictures of the materials from our filtration equipment.

Liquid Pictures

Scroll the gallery to see pictures of the materials from our filtration equipment.

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