A project that could change the way we look at dairy farming
Digested Organics is proud to partner with Dynamic Renewables on this big project in Northeast Wisconsin.

13 contributing farms and over 35,000 cows will be sending nearly 1 Million Gallons of manure per day to be processed through 16 anaerobic digester tanks to capture methane and create 1,630 MMBlu’s of renewable natural gas per day.
Following this process, the liquid digestate will be screw pressed and dried for fiber bedding – over 135 tons of it each day!
The pressed liquid from this process flows into the Nutrient Concentration and Water Reclamation/NCWR) system by Digested Organics, which will produce and discharge over 400,000 gallons of clean water every day.
Environmental Benefits

"America’s largest manure digester supports producers’ environmental goals"
Jenn Coyne
Editor / Progressive Dairy
Inside BC Organics
Advanced filtration solutions by Digested Organics
Stainless steel ultrafiltration towers
Ultrafiltration and Bioreactor Room
Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Process flow for BC Organics
Our advanced filtration systems help turn manure or digested
liquids into clean water and concentrated fertilizers.
1. Pre-Filtration
2. Stainless Steel Ultrafiltration
3. Forward Osmosis
4. Reverse Osmosis
5. Superfiltration
6. Reverse Osmosis
7. Biofiltration
8. Ultraviolet Disinfection
1. Pre-Filter
7. Ultraviolet Disinfection
8. Bio Filter
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