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Filter Brewery Wastewater to Reduce Disposal Costs and Save Water

By January 15, 2019June 21st, 2024No Comments

Brewery wastewater poses significant disposal challenges and can become a major operating expense for breweries. This wastewater is primarily composed of water, grains, and fermentation by-products, leading to high surcharges when disposed of through the sewer system. For breweries not connected to a sewer, the costs to haul wastewater to nearby processing facilities can be prohibitively expensive.

The Composition of Brewery Wastewater

Brewery wastewater typically contains:

  • Water: The primary component, often making up 85-90% of the wastewater volume.
  • Grains: Residues from the brewing process, including spent grains and hops.
  • Fermentation By-Products: Various organic compounds resulting from the fermentation process.
  • Nutrients: High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.

These components can result in high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels, making the wastewater challenging to treat and dispose of efficiently.

Digested Organics’ Solution for Brewery Wastewater

Digested Organics specializes in organic waste management and provides customized solutions to help breweries manage their wastewater more effectively. Our stainless steel ultrafiltration system offers a robust solution to reduce disposal costs and save water. This system is designed to remove suspended solids, a fraction of the organic matter, and significant amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus from brewery wastewater.

How Ultrafiltration Works

Our ultrafiltration process involves several key steps:

  1. Pre-Filtration: The wastewater undergoes an initial filtration to remove larger particles and debris.
  2. Ultrafiltration: The wastewater is passed through our stainless steel ultrafiltration modules. These modules contain semi-permeable membranes that filter out suspended solids and larger organic molecules, while allowing water and smaller dissolved substances to pass through.
  3. Separation: The ultrafiltration process separates the wastewater into two streams: the filtrate (clean water) and the concentrate (containing the removed solids and organics).

Benefits of Ultrafiltration for Breweries

Implementing an ultrafiltration system for brewery wastewater management offers several benefits:

1. Cost Reduction

By removing suspended solids and reducing the volume of organic matter in the wastewater, breweries can significantly lower their disposal costs. High surcharges associated with sewer disposal are minimized, and the need for costly wastewater hauling is reduced.

2. Water Reuse

The ultrafiltration process produces clean water that can be reused within the brewery for various non-potable applications, such as cleaning and equipment washing. This not only saves water but also reduces the brewery’s overall water consumption.

3. Environmental Impact

Properly managing brewery wastewater reduces the environmental impact of brewery operations. By removing nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, the risk of contaminating local water bodies is minimized, protecting aquatic ecosystems and maintaining regulatory compliance.

4. Improved Efficiency

Our ultrafiltration system is designed for high efficiency and ease of use. The stainless steel construction ensures durability and long-lasting performance, making it a reliable component of your brewery’s wastewater management strategy.

Case Study: Ultrafiltration in Action

To illustrate the effectiveness of our ultrafiltration system, we recently processed a sample of brewery wastewater through our ultrafilter. The results were impressive, demonstrating the system’s capability to significantly reduce suspended solids and nutrient content.

Sample Data Table:



Raw Wastewater



Suspended Solids (mg/L)




Total Nitrogen (mg/L)

120 30


Total Phosphorus (mg/L)

15 3


BOD (mg/L)





Optimize Brewery Wastewater Management with Digested Organics

Managing brewery wastewater can be a daunting and expensive task, but with the right technology, it can be streamlined and cost-effective. Digested Organics’ stainless steel ultrafiltration system offers breweries a practical solution to reduce disposal costs, save water, and minimize environmental impact.

If you are interested in learning more about how our ultrafiltration technology can help manage your brewery wastewater, contact Digested Organics today.

Contact us at [email protected] or call 844-934-4378 to discuss how we can help you optimize your brewery wastewater management.

Empowering businesses to reclaim waste in a cost-effective and eco-friendly way.